Uighur Voices is a case study humanitarian campaign, where current survivors of the Muslim concentration camps located in Xinjiang, China have a safe platform to voice out their stories either anonymously or not.


Uighur Voices helps educate and update on the humanitarian status of the Uighur Muslims that are currently being assimilated within the borders of Xinjiang, China.


Research & Opportunities

While combing through the competition and brand attributes, I have noticed that the competition’s information is either a website that redirects people to other sources or a website with no social media platform. Uighur Voices provides educates through Instagram and provides the bulk of information through their website. Uighur Voices goes beyond educating people of the humanitarian status of the Uighur Muslims, they also provide options of how one could help survivors of the concentration camp.

Having a social media platform helps reaches a younger audience and eases the process of spreading the word of the Uighur Muslim status with a simple click to share onto one’s story through Instagram.

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Throughout the researching portion of this project, I thought it was best to spread the message through photography and a journalistic style. The website of Uighur Voices contains information about the history to the current status of the Uighur Muslims which is the main objective, Uighur Voices is a platform to inform oneself on the general consensus of the Uighur Muslims.

Using Instagram is a great platform to breakdown heavy information about certain topics and stories as a summary of the dense information posted on the website.



This project means a lot to me and there is still not enough media coverage on this topic. The depth of information that I have researched for Uighur Voices was emotionally draining but it was important to get accurate information and representation for the level of depth that I want to present. There are various iterations that I tested in the portrayal of this project but I am satisfied with the journalistic style I settled with.

